Saturday, September 15, 2012

Menu created

I have created a new section to be known as the Menu page.

Reason being that there are now increasingly too many players to know who have been added and who have not.

Also, viewers coming into the blog looking for certain players will know if those players have been added in or not.

However one should not expect I to create a menu for nation with only a few players onboard.

That is why I create a few ground rules.

  1. Min number of players needed to create a Menu for the nation is 30
  2. Will take the first alphabet of the player name even if it is not his surname as different culture mean some surname are the last name. However, I will ignore that as I want to standardize how I want to put the players.
  3. Will take the commonly know name of the players and not the official name as some  will know the official name maybe longer and totally unreconciled with their know name.

The first menu page I am set to create is of course for Singapore even though they are fewer than needed 30 now as I have a backlog of players but in the next few months I will be adding them as I am compiling the data now and it will be well over that number.

Also there will be a rule change to be announced next month so as to be fairer to players still playing in the S-league now that will add more players to the list.

The Singapore menu page will be out next month after I released a few more players name.

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